let your spirit be witnessed

Clairvoyant Reading & Healing

one to one healing sessions

Healing services that address foreign energies in your aura that keep you from having more pleasure.

Working directly with the energy body expands your capacity to reown pleasure and power as your feminine birthright.

Real talk, I had a hard therapy session today and I reflected on how far I've come and I thought man without Alex I would be very very fucked —by my own doing. You're such a flame, lighting other flames. Please just sit with that. Because it's special and hard work. Love you to bits for walking me home. - Kara Logan

My offering as a psychic healer is to help midwife your spirit through the karmic shadowland into a greater capacity to experience heaven in your body, in your relationships and in your soul work.

At the very core of my work is a desire to see balanced relationships between spirit and body, the internal masculine and feminine, inner child and inner mother, work and play, and rebirth and death.

  • a 90-minute energy field healing where we address energetic debris in your aura that are keeping you from breaking through your current glass ceiling. This session will help you get unstuck from your current timeline and remove blockages, trauma, cords, programming, pain, or other peoples energy from your aura.

  • a 90 minute energy field healing where we address a story that is creating pain or discomfort in the present time.

  • A deep dive one month intensive offer to get to the core root of an energetic blockage — This is having me hold the frequency of your intention, and access to me answering questions via telegram. Clients leave intensives in new dimensions of self.

My crown is open and I am feelinggg it! So many collective downloads and insights into myself. What a gift your offering of helping women take their power back is to the whole. Such a powerful calling that you take on so well!! I'm grateful to be a receiver of your gifts lady.

- Megan 1:1 Soul Retrieval Client

Get on my Reading Waitlist for late May

what my clients are saying